remove frp symphony V141

Remove FRP Symphony V141 By Google Account Manager App

We have a latest and free way for you to get back your FRP protected and google account lost device. We will use free frp removal applications in order to setup new google account and Remove FRP Symphony V141 without using any PC. This is a simple and easy way. Follow up steps from below cautiously.

Disclaimer: We highly recommend you to apply this method only on your own device, if you are not owner of this device, or you found this from some where, you must return to its real owner.


Let’s Start to Remove FRP Symphony V141:

-Firstly insert SIM card in your phone. Turn on device & Connect WiFi.

-Get back to (Hi there) screen by hitting on back arrow icon several times.

-Let’s tap to “Emergency Call”. Tap twice over “Emergency information” button.

-Go to “edit icon” from top corner.

double tap emergency information to bypass frp itel vision 2s


-Let’s use sim contact name to access message app info page. Just tap on “Add contact”.

-Go to any “Contact name” from there. Tap again on same “Contact name”.

Tap on add contact to bypass frp Tecno BC3


-From there, hit on “3 dots” icon from top and go to “Share”.

tap to share from contact name to remove frp itel A27


-Let’s long hold on “Message” app from there same as shown in below screen shot.

-Hit on “App info”.

long tap message icon to Remove Google Account Symphony Z15

-We are now in our SMS app info page. From there, go to > Advanced > SMS App > Opening Links.

tap to advanced from message to Remove Google Account Symphony Z15


-We have to access to youtube go app by going down and tap to > Youtube Go > Youtube go icon from top.

tap on youtube go app


-Afterwards, hit on a > Notifications > Advanced > Additional Settings in the app.

go to youtube go app notification to bypass frp symphony G10


-We are now inside youtube go settings page. From there, just hit on a “About” option. After that, tap on “Youtube terms of service”.

-You will be redirected to the google browser screen. Just hit on > Accept & Continue > Next > No Thanks.


Go to FRP Tools Page:

-Make search in browser with “Download FRP Tools Techeligible“.

-Go to same searched result as shown below.

download frp tools techeligible


-We need to download frp removal apps same as mentioned below.

1st app: Google Account Manager 8 or 9.

2nd app: Account Login.

-Wait for a while till your downloading process completes. Go to top of the browser page, just tap to > 3 dots > Downloads.

3 dots download folder


-We can easily install both apps respectively. Just tap to “Google Account Manager” app.

-From popup screen, allow permission to install this app successfully, just go to “Settings”. After that, tap to “Allow from this sources”.

Turn on allow from this sources to bypass frp account Alcatel 7


-Go back to installing screen and tap to > Install > Done.


-Let’s install another app to completely Remove FRP Symphony V141.

-Hit on > Account Login > Install > Open.



-Go over “3 dots” menu icon from extreme right corner. After that, tap to “Browser Sign-in”.

-Let’s add your new google account to remove old one.

Account Login and sign in with new account


-After that, long hold (Power key) and tap to “Restart” option.

-You can now easily complete all remaining steps on your own.