Solve Start Button Issue Miracle Thunder 2.93

How to Fix? If Miracle Start Button is not Working or Disable

You can easily fix if Miracle Start Button is not Working in Miracle thunder 2.93, 2.82 and all other versions by making some changes in files, we will describe all steps in this post, in most of the cases, the Miracle Thunder software start button is not highlighted, and you are unable to click on “Start” button, but now you can have your start button worked and enabled smoothly, let’s do that.

Note: This method has successfully been applied on Miracle thunder 2.93v and Miracle 2.82v, but this will also work with other all latest and old models if you are unable to click on Start button in Miracle Software.


Solve Start Button Issue Miracle Software:

-You must have same issue as can be seen in below screenshot, that we are unable to click on “START” button in Miracle thunder software.

Unable to click on Start Button Miracle, How to Fix If Miracle Start Button is not Working


-First of all, close this software.

-Press (Windows + R) keys from your keyboard get “RUN” window.

-Type there “Regedit“, and press “Enter” button.



-After that, click on “Software”.

Solve Start Button Issue Miracle Thunder 2.93


-Right click on “Handle” and click to “Delete” this file.


Do Some Changes in File to Fix Issue:

-Go to your Desktop, and right click on “Miracle Thunder” icon, and then click on “Open File location” to access into your Miracle thunder installation folder.


-To Solve Start Button Issue Miracle Thunder 2.93 and 2.82 and other all versions, we have to make little changes in file.

-Go to the folder “BOX_Data”.


-Double click on “” file.


-Delete date logs same as shown in below image, just leave last 2 dates.

-Set your Current Month & Year same as shown in below image.


-Save and Close Handle file.

-You are all done to Solve if Miracle Start Button is not Working, and this time your Start Button will work perfectly, and you can easily perform lots of task with this Miracle Thunder 2.93 and 2.82 tool.

Solve Start Button Issue Miracle Thunder edition

If this method really helped you, don’t forget to make comments below, if you are still facing issue relevant start button, then you can also comment us, we will try our best to respond you as soon as possible.


Download Miracle Latest Versions with Loader:

⇒ Miracle 2.82 with Loader

⇒ Miracle 2.58 with loader