Bypass Google Account LG Aristo 5 By New FRP Method Android 10
This is an amazing frp removal methods, through this you can easily Bypass Google Account LG Aristo 5 (Android 10) with the help of latest version of Apex Launcher app, this launcher app will redirect you in your device home screen, and afterwards, we can add new 4 digits PIN code to bypass google account.
Note: This method can be applied on LG Aristo 5 Android 10, and this method is only for device owner.
Lets Start to Bypass Google Account LG Aristo 5:
Step 1: Connect WiFi, get back to (Welcome) homepage.
Step 2: Insert any PIN Locked SIM in your device, you can setup PIN in SIM card easily.
Step 3: Type correct 4 digits PIN, and at the same time, tap on “Check Mark icon” & press “Power Key” to just put the screen on standby.
Remember: You have to do this at the same, means, simultaneously press power button while tapping on “Check Mark icon”.
Step 4: Press “Power Key” again to wake up the screen in LG Aristo 5.
Step 5: You will see (Not Signed in) screen, if you do not see this Not Signed in window, that means you did not follow above steps correctly, go back to top and try again.
Step 6: Swipe down the (Not Signed in) message, and there you will have a notification bar at the top of the screen.
Step 7: Enable Bluetooth option, by Long Tap on (Bluetooth icon) from top notification bar.
Step 8: Arrange any Bluetooth air pods, and connect LG Aristo 5 with your Bluetooth Air Pods.
Step 9: Open a “Try Saying” popup box in LG Aristo 5 by triple tapping at “Power Button” from bluetooth air pods.
Step 10: Now speak loudly “Open Youtube”, and this will launch youtube website for you.
Step 11: Play any video from youtube, and drag down that youtube video.
Step 12: Tap at “Profile icon” from top right corner & hit on > Settings > About > Google Privacy Policy.
Step 13: From bottom popup box, tap on “Chrome”, after that, tap to > Accept & Continue > No Thanks.
Let’s Download Latest Apex Launcher:
Step 14: Search in browser “Download frp tools“, and visit our website 1st searched result same as shown in below image.
Step 15: Download an app (Apex Launcher 4.9.2) to Bypass Google Account LG Aristo 5.
Step 16: Go to top of our site page, and hit on “3 dots” from top right corner, and tap to “Downloads”.
Step 17: Hit on “Apex Launcher” to install it, this will show you popup window, from there tap to “Settings”, and enable option “Allow from this sources”, and then go back by tapping at “Back Arrow” from bottom.
Step 18: Tap to > install > open.
Step 19: Apex launcher will be launched, this will show you some initial screen, so finish it up, and then you will reach inside your device home screen.
Setup Latest 4 Digits PIN Code:
Step 20: Go to > Settings > Fingerprints > Next.
Step 21: Tap to “PIN”, and add your any desire 4 digits pin code there to bypass google account LG Aristo 5 Android 10.
Step 22: Keep tapping on “Back Arrow” until you get back to first (Welcome) homepage.
Step 23: Now complete setup wizard, if you see google sign in screen, just tap to > SKIP > SKIP.
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Remove frp LG Aristo 4 [Android 10]
Remove frp LG Aristo 3 (Android 8)